Hello CREW… 06-30-16 Ginger and Garlic hosted….
10 CHS Classmates!

Hello CREW… 06-30-16 Ginger and Garlic hosted….
10 CHS Classmates!
Hello CREW… 06-26-19
5:00 PM Wednesday June 29, 2016
Ginger and Garlic – Chinese
“Gluten-Free and Friendly”
1172 US Highway 1 Rockledge, Fl 32955
(321) 632-8888
http://gingergarlic.webs.com/ – see menu
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step…
be with us when we start this Wednesday! Go Tigers!
Remembering CHS Alumni:
William (Billy) Roy Fine CHS’59 1941 – 2009
Voted Most Fun, passed 6/29/09 – 7 years ago
July… CREW Birthdays, do I have yours?
1 Julie McClure 4 Marilyn True 7 Harvey Baker
9 Priscilla Firkins 9 Bob Berghult 18 Diane Likon
19 Howard 23 Jack Crockett 32 Paul Bunyan
June 26th is – National Chocolate Pudding Day
Chocolate Pie only 50 cents at the Hour Glass lol
Poshtels! A.K.A. known as an upscale/luxury hotel
combines the style/omfort of a boutique hotel
with the price and sensibilities of a hotel.
Hummm My teepee? Motel 6? or ahhhh a Poshtel!
NEW Panama Canal opens today! It’s huge! 😉
Should be, cost to build over 5 Billion!
Old age is not as bad as I thought. It’s a good feeling
when you just don’t give a hoot anymore and your
feel happy just to wake up in the morning! – unknown
Sent from my I-teepee, still give a hoot… AFTER waking up! 😉
Hello CREW… 06-23-16
Sonny’s on Merritt Island served great BBQ for 11 CHS Alumni.
On the East side of Courtenay Pkwy.
Visit: # 13 Last: 09-09-15
Pucker Up? Today June 19, is National Kissing Day!
But? an old movie and song tells us… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p57nf-FvVxw
1st Day of Summer: Monday – June 20
Summer Solstice 6:34 p.m. EDT.
By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.
– Ben Franklin
Sent from my I-teepee preparing for a “Zymrugy 102” Class,
don’t want to fail this course! 😉
Hello CREW… 06-16-16
Beef O Brady’s was a Good Time for 10 CHS Alumni!
. – Lou Holtz
Hello CREW… 06-05-16
5:00 PM Wednesday June 8, 2016
Sent from my I-teepee, don’t think I ever had that dream! 😉
Hello CREW… 05-29-16
Next HAPPY HOUR CREW Wednesday June 1, 2016
Ashley’s Restaurant
1609 Highway 1 Rockledge, Fl 636-6430
http://www.ashleysofrockledge.com Menu
Classmates with June Birthdays:
3 Corinne Bowley 8 Jerry Smith 9 John Manuel
12 Myrna Swindell 14 Judy Scherer 15 Bill Weinberg
17 Carole Saxe 21 Charles Ward 24 June Cox
30 Dick Bankhead 30 John Estes 31 Digger O’Dell
CHS Reunion Cruise Sunday 3-12-17 on Royal Caribbean
Oasis of the Sea from Port Canaveral. Return Sun 3-19-17.
Planning on going? call David Griffith 321-253-9100. x236.
Let him know your Cocoa High School class reunion party.
He will group us together for dinner, early seating dinner
is all ready booked. Book ASAP. Questions? More info?
Bill Weinberg 321 636-0530 ibweinberg@cfl.rr.com
Want to check up on your Doctor? Go to this
web site and type in his name… lots of info.
Race Day! Grand Prix of Monte Carlo NOW NBC
Indy 500 NOON ABC Nascar 6PM FOX
If I’d known I was going to live this long,
I would have taken better care of myself! – Eubie Blake
Sent from my I-teepee, Yes! I agree with ole Eubie! 😉
Hello CREW… 06-02-16
Ashley’s was a Happy Place for 17 CHS Alumni!
Next event: Bizzarro’s Italian Restaurant on M.I.