Monthly Archives: March 2013
Hello CREW… 03-14-13

F.Y.I. Some of you have rec'd multiple copies of the last
Maverick's Still the same, just new management.
Sunday, March 17th?
Why St Paddy's Day of course! Corn Beef and Cabbage!

Hummm Hope ye find the pot of gold!
If the Skeeters don't get you, (the sink holes will!) UGH!
the size of a quarter & a painful bite compared to being
knifed, is set to invade Florida this summer. We expect
to see an explosion of shaggy-haired gallinippers
Psorophora ciliata a type of giant mosquito according to
entomologist, Phil Kaufman of the University of Florida.
Home to N.H. Email from Conrad Koch, made it home
to Milford, N.H. safe and sound. He very much
enjoyed visiting with classmates and friends!
Did not like plowing the 1100 mile drive back to
N.H. on his tractor! No cruise control!

Next Event: Newly remodeled Olive Garden on M.I.
It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes
Sent from my i-teepee while looking for my "skeeter spray"!
Let them eat birthday cake! AND WE DID!
Hello CREW… 03-07-13

Beater's Blast! Mar 8th -9th Mosquito Beaters Reunion

Mavericks Sports Grill and Bar 5:30 PM Wednesday Mar 13th, 2013

Hello CREW…

Visit #1 Hummm Just a new name or ?
5:30 PM Wednesday Mar 13th, 2013
Mavericks Sports Grill and Bar
1580 E. Merritt Island Causeway,
In front of the Wal-Mart on Merritt Isl. S.E. corner.
453-1288 Will they still serve Shepherd’s Pie?
Sigh! Sniff! Whimper! The rose is gone!

5:30 PM Wednesday March 6, 2013
10 Dan Shoemaker 14 Jack Young 22 Ruth Bryant 27 John Dean
28 Joyce Spell 29 Captain Ahab