Hello CREW… 05-31-12
Kelsey’s: Deliciosa cena con sus compa�eros felices!
Delicious Diner with Happy Classmates!
Attendees: Ann Driskill, Chairperson Corinne Bowley & niece

Just kidding! There were no Tantra/Esse chairs at Kelsey’s!
Went well? Cataract surgery for ole Indian was quick! Doc says
Left eye scheduled for mid-June. He asked the Doc for
Do you really want to know? Want to have a good guess as
Next Week: Ashley’s to celebrate the JUNE classmate birthdays!
14 Judy Scherer 15 Billy Weinberg 17 Carole Saxe 30 Dick Bankhead
30 John Estes 32 Rumpelstiltskin
Do I have your birth date? No birth date? NO CAKE! lol