Cocoa Crew Review

A Compendium of Cocoa Crew's Congenial Carousing

Cocoa Crew Review - A Compendium of Cocoa Crew's Congenial Carousing

What a party! B’Day Celebration at Ashley’s

Hello CREW… Red rose                                                                      02-02-12

A good night!     What a party!  Lots of  B-Day Folks,  our classmates.

                     Yummm!  The Coconut cake was de-lish!  Thanks Corinne!
Attendees:   Gregg Seitner, Billy Weinberg, Carole Saxe, Ann Driskill,
                     Myrna Swindell,  Jack, Ben & Dan Young! David Alexander,
                     Jerry Smith, Clark True, Charlie & Mary Black, Ty Epling,
                Dick & Pat Nelson and  ole B-T-B!  Server  Christie was great!
Meet notes:  Mosquito Beaters meeting last Sunday provided some info.
                      $11,823.19 in the treasury, MB website is down & gone!
               Tiger Lilly’s, Class of 65 will help with book sales & registration.
               MB flyer envelopes are stuffed and stamped, have been mailed.
                          See Attachment!  ( Hope it’s there!   Eye-rolling smile  lol )
Parking!!!  No vehicles will be allowed to park along the driveway. Everyone
    except for those with handicapped permits must park in the BIG open field.
Attendees are asked to “police their area’s”, help will be hired but if everyone
   pitches in it will go a lot smoother.    Volunteers will be needed at the close
  of business on Saturday to help put away tables and clean up rental building.

Reunion Info!    For updated info on a Planned Sock Hop and Boat Cruise

                                    during the Mosquito Beaters weekend, go to:
Memorable dates:       Feb 1  CREW B-Day event at Ashley’s!
                            Feb 2  Ground Hog Day!  ( He did see his shadow! lol )
                      Feb 3  Hummmm  I do remember that day! Winking smile I was at home…
Classic Car Show:  Yep!  Will be taking the ole 56 Chevy out of the plastic bag
                             to attend the craft and car show Saturday 1 PM Barnes Blvd.
Super Bowl Sunday:   Break out the Chips n Dips…    Big Game this weekend!
                                         Sunday, Feb. 5  kick off at 6:30 p.m. ET  NBC
Late Birthday additions:    Feb. 1  Billy Hardy       Feb. 19  Dexter Beck!
Next Week:    Woof Woof!  We are going to the Dogs!  Dog’s R US  on M.I. 
                                     Last visit  was  #8  on 10-12-11

“When you feel good about yourself,
                      others will feel good about you, too.” – Jake Steinfeld 

Sent from my i-teepee  near the old folks home!