Cocoa Crew Review

A Compendium of Cocoa Crew's Congenial Carousing

Cocoa Crew Review - A Compendium of Cocoa Crew's Congenial Carousing

Fishlips … but not to kiss Next Event 27 April 2011

Hello CREW… Red rose HAPPY   Bunny EASTER! 04-24-11

9:01 am Started packing… Eye-rolling smile
Lets see, port & starboard underwear, tooth brush, razor, sun screen,
bathing suit, flip flops, couple of t-shirts, shorts, sun glasses,
Get lucky Indian Necklace, and a partridge in a pear tree!
9:07 am Finished packing… I am ready?  What takes you ladies so long? 😉

By Popular Vote: (2nd visit)


5:30 PM   Wednesday   April 27th  at

Fishlips  Waterfront   Bar & Grill
610 Glen Cheek Drive
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920-4557
(321) 784-4533

more info:

If weather permits  Sun you may be able to sit outside?

Warning: Be careful don’t reach your  TWL Theoretical Workload Limit!
The point where the brain is FULL ! That’s why I am going to Jamaica! Winking smile

Well CREW, this WED at 5:30 PM   I will be sipping a Rum n’ Coke
while getting ready for a Jamaican Style Dinner,  will be
thinking of my Classmates in Cocoa!…   heh heh heh  Yea  Right!

See ya… Cuatro de Mayo  4th of May, at the Chaparral!  luv ya, Red heart B-T-B

To:, Sara Myrna
Subject: Jim Rudd
With a broken heart I have to tell you that Jim passed on last night. (4-21)
Our son Jimmy and I were with him and it was very peaceful. Jimmy and I
will be coming to Cocoa on Wednesday and we are trying to plan for a
memorial service on Saturday, April 30 in Cocoa. Plans cannot be confirmed
until Monday so I will let you know what everything is confirmed.    Ann=

Condolences to the Rudd family.  I will be out of town for a week.
If you have any questions please contact Sara or Myrna.    Bill Hardy

“Those who love LIFE never grow old;
they may die of old age, but they die young.”
– Sir Arthur Pinero

Great night at Grandpa’s! … Hello CREW… 4-21-11

Hello CREW… Red rose 4-21-11

My Apologies… for the ERRORS in the  HAPPY HOUR CREW  04-20-11 email!
Good Grief! I know I am OLD but now I am starting to ACT OLD!   Confused smile Ugh!
Reference: It was Elma Atkinson-McNairy not Alma, & her brother Paul Atkinson?
Also I did type  their instead of  there! Sorry Mr. E  Winking smile

Arrrrrgggg! Because of all the errors lately, I have decided it is time for ole B-T-B
to take a mind / body refreshing trip to Mo-Bay Jamaica! (see below )

Let’s not forget… Special    THANKS to Captain Clark True who provided the
door to door transportation for the Road Trip! The ole Hooter Pilot did well!

Great night at Grandpa’s! Good food and service!  The salad bar was OVER-THE-TOP!
Lots of “Stuff” and the Vegetable Beef Soup was SOUP-er! Had 2 bowls! 🙂

Attendees: George & Lois Reinhart, Billy Weinberg, Clark True, Mary Laycock & Ralph,
David Alexander, Tom and Gloria Tinker, and all the way from Orlando….
Bill Hibbard & Karen Kamin.  Smile

Earthquake? Interesting, 4:28 PM Sat 4-16-11  there was a magnitude 4 quake
65 miles NW of San Juan Puerto Rico.  Phew!  No tsunami!

It is time! The Cherokee Indian member of the CREW is headed
to a huge Tribal Pow Wow at  Montego Bay, Island with palm tree Jamaica!
The ole Medicine Man plans to go ashore at the Sandals resort.
Say’s he is going to set up camp, drink firewater, ogle the
native women, consume the local cuisine, smoke the peace pipe
trade for beads, and enjoy all the entertainment and activities!  Party smile
Check picture #8  Think that’s B-T-B reaching for a rum n coke!

Ole B-T-B is off for his  21st  honeymoon at Sandals, an all-inclusive resort!
Depart:  Monday April 25, return May 2nd.  Really hate missing
the CREW event 04-27-11  but some things just have to be done!
Sun, Sand, Surf, Suds, Sailing, Scuba, Soup, Sauna, Seafood,
Swimming,  Serenity,  and hummmm?  Eye-rolling smile one other thing
I  sometimes  have  trouble  remembering…  Hot Se_  ?
ahhhhh now I remember…  Jamaican Hot Seaweed! Winking smile

Hummmm… While I am gone hope someone? takes a few notes at the
04-27-11 event Fishlips, Port Canaveral , the CHS Toast, attendees, etc.

May 4th event:   2-4-1 Margarita Celebration at Chaparral Mexican Grill!
( more details in the next email, this Sunday 4-24-11)

Email from Ann Rudd: Reference:  Her husband, Jimmy Rudd Class of 59
Just wanted to let you all know that things are not going well with Jim.
We called in Hospice on Monday and things are not good. Our son, Jimmy,
is here to help and give support to both of us. Please keep praying for us.  Ann

Is It True? There have been reports that some of you are not getting the CREW emails!
Please tell me who you are! Duh! Another dumb move by me?  Confused smile
Everyone knows when you get old…  people expect you to do and say dumb things,
and I certainly don’t want to disappoint anyone!  ho ho ho

“Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees filled all the air
with fragrance and with joy.”  – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Hello CREW… 04-14-11 Al Says … “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”

Hello CREW… Red rose 04-14-11

Last night at JD’s was a lively one!   Party smile We had reports about the YaYa Girls recent
sojourn to the Mountains in Tenn, updates on the CREW Road Trip, Mosquito Beaters,
Gerry Trammell’s move, all that plus good food & great conversations with the CREW!

Attendees: Billy Weinberg, Clark True, Carole Saxe, Ginger Fine & Gary,
Lynn Krnoul & Lee, Tom & Marge Newbern, Mary Laycock & Ralph,
Sandee Natowich, and Myrna Swindell.  Server, Linsey was great!

Special Thanks to Tom Newbern for buying a large glass of Buttermilk for ole B-T-B!

The YaYa Girls, Sandee Natowich, Jackie Lane and Ginger Fine journeyed to Tenn for
a week of travel and dining.  While there, they visited Sara Rufo and
stayed in Jackie’s timeshare.  All agreed that it was a fantastic experience!

CREW Road Trip! T – Minus 3 days and counting!
The Caravan!   Per our discussion at Ashley’s, we now have plans to go to
the Catfish Place, Kissimmee for dinner.  Depart: 10 am  Sunday April 17th
American, Cajun, Seafood, Steaks, Catfish, Gator, Fried Green Tomatoes Yum!
It is approx 57 miles (1 hr drive)  They open at 11 am.  If you definitely want
to go!   Let me know A.S.A.P. TOTAL TODAY:  6 We will meet at the
Village Green Shopping Ctr. Rockledge.    In front of  JD’s Sports Bar!
If anyone has a  van or Big SUV to drive…   riders will donate for gas!
The CREW has done this in the past and it was a  HAPPY THING TO DO! Open-mouth smile

Mosquito Beaters: Last Sunday some of the CREW attended a Beaters Business
meeting in Cocoa. Various topics were discussed.  One of interest
was the parking at the Friday and Saturday events.  After a lively
discussion it was agreed by  ALL that the parking rules should be
re-written and will be published in the next Beater pamphlet!

Attendees: (CREW) Rene & Sue LeRoy, Suanna Bird, Greg Seitner, Dick Bankhead
and B-T-B.

B-T-W: It was stated that there is  plenty of room in the next Beater Book for
more articles on the Past Events in Cocoa!  If you have an interesting
story to tell, max 1500 words…  (All of us have a story or two! Angel )
email your story to:   Gene Baird.

Next event: April-20   Will be at  Grandpa’s Steak House in Cocoa!  Luv Ya Red heart B-T-B

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” – Albert Einstein

Next Event at JDs ….. 4-13-2011

Hello CREW… Red rose 4-10-11

Are you Happy? I am! Rolling on the floor laughing GOOD FLORIDA WEATHER   has returned!

Next   HAPPY  HOUR  CREW event:
5:30 PM   Wednesday   04-13-11
JD’s  Sports Bar and Grill
the old Boarshead Lounge)
1644 Fiske Blvd Rockledge, FL 32955
634-1811� – Bar 634-1841� – Fax

Arrrrggg! The Tax Man Cometh this Friday! Vampire bat April 15th R  U  READY?

Gerry’s Move:   8 AM Yesterday some of the CREW met at Gerry Trammell’s
home and helped her with the move to Orlando!   After coffee
and donuts we started loading a U-Haul-It Truck, by Noon we
we had it “stuffed” to the roof!     Gerry was pleased to get the
help from her friends; Carole Saxe, Bill Weinberg, Greg Seitner
and the ole Indian!  Neighbors & other friends also helped!
Gerry… the CREW will miss ya!  Keep in touch!  Winking smile
Woof! woof!  Dog face bye to Blossom her cute little pet dog!

Don’t Forget!

Big Skeeter meeting: TODAY, April 10, 2011  2 PM A business meeting for the
folks that organize the  Mosquito Beater events.   They could
sure use some younger help!      (us? ole B-T-B will be there!)
Come on down and help make next year even better than this year!
Location: Cocoa First Baptist Church, “The Dixon Room”  215 Oak Street Cocoa, Fl.



T – Minus 7 days and counting!  (CREW Road Trip!)
Ahhh Yes…   The Caravan!   Per our discussion at Ashley’s, we now have plans to go to
the Catfish Place, Kissimmee for dinner.  Depart: 10 am  Sunday April 17th
American, Cajun, Seafood, Steaks, Catfish, Gator, Fried Green Tomatoes Yum!
It is approx 57 miles (1 hr drive)  They open at 11 am.  If you definitely want
to go!   Let me know A.S.A.P. TOTAL TODAY:  6 We will meet at the
Village Green Shopping Ctr. Rockledge.    In front of  JD’s Sports Bar!
If anyone has a  van or Big SUV to drive…  riders will donate for gas!
The CREW has done this in the past and it was a  HAPPY THING TO DO! Open-mouth smile

Ugh! The ole Indian is getting pretty  WINDY!    Time to say…  that’s all folks!
luv ya, Red heart B-T-B

“We don’t understand life any better at 60 than at 20,
but we know it and admit it.” – Jules Renard


Hello CREW… 04-07-11 …. Yup yup yup!!! Last night at Ashley’s in Rockledge was a joy

Hello CREW… Red rose 04-07-11

Sooooo much fun… Party smile Last night at Ashley’s in Rockledge was a joy!
Great company, great company and great service!

Attendees: Barbara Thomas, Corinne Bowley, Greg Seitner, Mary Laycock & Ralph
Clark True, Lois & Geo Reinhart, Carole Saxe, Myrna Swindell, Ty Epling
David Alexander, Billy Weinberg, and of course the ole Indian B-T-B
Server, Christie was special!
CREW Birthday night and I took  JERRY SMITH’S share home!  Nyah – Nyah!   Nyah-Nyah


Email from Gerry Trammell:      Hey Classmates…  got an hour or two to spare?

Per Gerry:  Everything is boxed and packed, just need to load the rental truck!

Would greatly appreciate any assistance in my move to Orlando Sat., April 9TH

We will start loading the U-Haul truck at the house by  8:00 AM.

Address is: Levitt Park   879 Bartel Lane, Rockledge, Fl

Off of Fiske Blvd enter on Levitt Parkway.  Speed Limit:  20.


Turn RIGHT onto Barris which is the 2nd stop sign from Fiske Blvd.

Go to Bartel Lane, turn LEFT.   House (white) is on right-hand side

Home phone:  (321) 631-3168 TracFone is:  (321) 501-6740


Big Skeeter meeting: Sunday, April 10, 2011  2 PM A business meeting for the
folks that organize the Mosquito Beaters events.  They could
sure use some younger help!  (us?  ole B-T-B will be there!)
Come on down and help make next year even better than this year!
Location: Cocoa First Baptist Church, “The Dixon Room”  215 Oak Street Cocoa, Fl.



3rd: T – Minus 10 days and counting!
Ahhh Yes…
The Caravan!   Per our discussion at Ashley’s, we now have plans to go to
the Catfish Place, Kissimmee for dinner.  Depart: 10 am  Sunday April 17th
American, Cajun, Seafood, Steaks, Catfish, Gator, Fried Green Tomatoes Yum!
It is approx 57 miles (1 hr drive)  They open at 11 am.  If you definitely want
to go!   Let me know A.S.A.P. TOTAL TODAY:  6 We will meet at the
Village Green Shopping Ctr. Rockledge.    In front of  JD’s Sports Bar!
If anyone has a  van or Big SUV to drive…  riders will donate for gas!
The CREW has done this in the past and it was a  HAPPY THING TO DO! Open-mouth smile

OBITUARY for Tommy Greiner:
Tommy Greiner passed away Monday afternoon, April 4. survived by his wife, Barbara;

three children, Leigh Ann Greiner, Leslie Stokes (Robert), and Rick; three grandchildren;

and one sister, Barbara Robinson. Tommy and Rick were in the field. Tommy had just roped

an Angus bull. Greiner was a cowboy and he died doing what he loved best. What a way to go.

Tommy and his wife Barbara are co-owners and operators the Townsend Livestock Market

in Madison with Barbara’s brother Abe Townsend. The funeral will be held at :

Beggs Funeral Home, 235 NW Orange Ave., Madison, Florida 32340      1-800-555-1081

or 850-973-2258.   Visitation: Beggs Chapel in Madison from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, April 7.

Funeral Service Beggs Chapel in Madison,11 a.m. Friday morning, April 8.

Local Florist in Madison:  Ashlands- 850-973-2050    or Madison Florist 850-973-7997

Contact info for Barbara Greiner, Tommy’s sister:   NE Aster Street    Pinetta, Fl 32960

Next week by popular vote: Crew will be at  JD’s Sports Bar!   Luv ya, Red heart B-T-B

“I have yet to hear a  MAN  ask for advice on how to
combine marriage and a career.” – Gloria Steinem


The Role Of Money In An Economy

Conrad’s question of the day … What happens when the Fed is allowed to print money out of thin air?

Money serves as a medium of exchange, a unit of account that also can serve as a denominator of debt contracts, and a form in which wealth can be stored. It performs all of these functions best, especially the latter two, when its value remains stable over time. Why is that the case? Essentially it is because a stable value of money removes one important element of uncertainty in a world full of uncertainties. People will not want to hold money today as a medium of exchange if they have reason to think it will be worth substantially less in terms of goods and services tomorrow. Creditors will not want to write nominal contracts to lend money to others if they have reason to think that the nominal sums lent now will be repaid with money that has reduced purchasing power at the end of the contract period. And they will not want to hold money as a financial asset or a form of storing wealth if there is reason to expect the nominal sums stored will have less purchasing power when they come out of storage at a later date. If people are uncertain about the future value of money, it becomes less useful as a medium of exchange, a denominator of debt contracts, and a form of wealth storage. The results are that there are fewer productivity-enhancing exchanges, less saving and lending, and therefore a lower rate of economic growth.
The value of money falls!  “Fewer productivity-enhancing exchanges, less saving and lending, and therefore a lower rate of economic growth”.


“The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.” Ahsley’s Wed Night

Hello CREW… Red rose 04-03-11

“The first of April is the day we remember
what we are the other 364 days of the year.” – Mark Twain

So!   Did you get….  April Fooled? Alien lol
Got a funny story?  Tell us about it this Wednesday!

Next   HAPPY HOUR CREW event:
5:30 PM   on  Wednesday   April 6th

Ashley’s  Restaurant

1609  HIGHWAY 1   Rockledge, Fl  636-6430


Crew Birthday time: Birthday cake April:   8  Jerry Smith     22  Judy McAllister



Big Skeeter meeting: Sunday, April 10, 2011  2 PM A business meeting for the
folks that organize the Mosquito Beater events.   They could
sure use some younger help!   Us? ole B-T-B will be there!
Come on down and help make next year even better than this year!
Location: Cocoa First Baptist Church, “The Dixon Room”  215 Oak Street Cocoa, Fl.



The “other” CREW event? The third open mini-CREW breakfast event was
at Maui’s in Rockledge. A few members met for breakfast.

More discussion about a future:  SUNDAY  CREW Road Trip Lunch!

Discussions included some possible locations to “caravan” for a day out and dining!

The Road-Kill Inn, Sick smile Scottsmoor, Fl was high on the list!  lol   R U interested?

Have any suggestions? Email your thoughts to me    B-T-B.

March 31, 2011   Dining out with ole B-T-B!

Oh Well!   At least JD’s Sports Bar lets me sit at the bar and they don’t ask me to wash the dishes!  Confused smile

Hummm? Suspect the ole Indian had too much  firewaterCocktail last night?  His emails get more weird each time!

Maybe?  The Medicine Man was smoking the PEACE  Peace PIPE, and got all  “Smoked Up” !  lmoa


Naaaaaa a cute little Squaw cast a spell on him for most of the night!    luv ya, Red heart B-T-B