Monthly Archives: February 2011
The Best in the World at What He Does
It don’t make no difference if you like flute music or not.
Dis’ guy is at least “unusual”!!!
LONGHORN’S STEAK HOUSE … 5:30 Wednesday February 9, 2011
Hello CREW… 02-06-11
By popular vote:
next HAPPY HOUR CREW event
5:30 Wednesday February 9, 2011
770 East Merritt Island Causeway
Merritt island, FL 32952 (321) 456-5559
Something to think about: Yesterday at the Classic Car Show in Rockledge
I had a conversation with Rene and Sue LeRoy. Their classmates
and friends are planning a get-to-gather at Kay’s Barbecue on
Wed March 9th 5:30 Sue suggested that the Happy Hour Crew
join up for this event. Most of them are Cocoa High Classmates
Class of 62-63-64 Bob Pippin, Austin Mansberry, Jerry Fine
Sue Bird-Hamilton, George Hamilton, Jerry Fine, Kenny Gray, etc. 20-30 folks!
All youngsters compared to us. In fact I used to Chaperon at their events! lol
If any of you remember these classmates and would like to join up with them
we need to get a RSVP list. The CREW has visited Kay’s in the past, lots of
good barbecue!. The meeting room will be reserved for this combined event!
This subject will be up for discussion at our next event! If you choose send me
me an email with your thoughts!
Car Show: Yesterday there were a lot of beautiful cars to view. Brought back
memories from the past! The ole 56 Chevy was a popular item!
Ahhhh Yes the Super Bowl! Today almost the whole world watches the game!
The Sports Bar’s will be packed and they are offering a lot of Specials!
Hope I can find a seat at JD’s in Rockledge! Beer & Wings sound great!
Email from Ann Driskill-Rudd: Good news from Jim’s CT scans and MRI.
Nothing has grown since last scans. Chemo seems to be holding fast right now.
Did I enjoy my birthday cupcake? Ann
That is good news! And Yes Ann your cup cake was great! luv ya B-T-B
A man only learns in two ways, one by reading,
and the other by association with smarter people. – Will Rogers
Hello CREW… 02-03-11 … If I had known getting older could be this much fun… I STILL WOULDN’T RUSH IT!
Hello CREW… 02-03-11
CREW birthday event was a winner!
Great bunch of Classmates attended and really enjoyed the company, the food and the Cupcake Dessert!
Coincidently it just happened to be GROUND HOG’s DAY and Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow!
Brrrrrrrr! Best wishes for our Classmates in the North! Stay warm Conrad!
Attendees: George & Lois Reinhart, Mary Laycock & Ralph, Clark True, Carole Saxe,
Greg Seitner, Geri Heller & Bill, Corinne Bowley, Billy Weinberg, Dan Shoemaker,
David Alexander, Myrna Swindell, Joyce Spell, Charlie & Mary Black & a really old Indian?
Nice to see Myrna back after her eye surgery! She is well on the road to recovery!
Server, Christie did a great job keeping the CREW happy!
You dirty rat! Imagine, my friend? Allen Scott called me a… septuagenarian!
(Being between the age of 70 and 79, inclusive. In one’s eighth decade! O.M.G.!)
Ok! I get it! On the bright side I am now old enough to be a Cherokee Tribe “Wiseman”!
Hope that means I get a new blanket and squaw every year!
Now if I can just remember what does it take to keep a squaw happy?
Ugh! Ahhh Yes, have lots of “firewater” available, (Indian Viagra!) lol
Charlie & Mary Black: Have suggest we do another Road Trip to their neighborhood for
some tasty Frog Legs & Fried Green Tomatoes! Who wants to go? Me!
Email from Janet Sewell: Janet will be having back surgery on Feb 11th to relieve sciatic
nerve pain. The CREW and I wish you a speedy recovery!
Car Show: This Saturday, 02-05 4-8 pm There will be a Classic Car Show at McLarty Park
on Barton Blvd. Billy-Two-Beers is going to dust off ole Paint and visit the pow wow.
My 56 Chevy might win Best-Of-Show and attract a lot of maidens!
Heh! Heh! Heh! Wanna go for a ride sweetie? Hope ole Jimmy Sisco doesn’t show
up with his Chief Pontiac convertible! Too many Indians might scare the Ford Cowboys!
Super WHAT? Sunday, February 6, 2011 – 6:30 pm ET on FOX Hot Wings! Chips, dips,
chili, dogs, burgers and cold beer! All this and more to enjoy the greatest
day in football! Think all ole Indians get a front row seat at JD’s Sports bar?
By majority vote: Next event will be at Longhorns Steak House M.I. Wednesday Feb 9th.
Classmates you won’t find a better steak… anywhere! yummmm!
Gee Whiz kids! If I had known getting older could be this much fun…
“When you feel good about yourself,
others will feel good about you, too.” – Jake Steinfeld